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0 Produkte
Schweißgeräte und vieles mehr
productMainId = '4808'
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externalId = '74001'
productId = '14499'
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nameShort = 'SW 70S G4'
name = 'SW 70S G4 5.0kg/Spule 1.2mm'
description = '<ul class="description_list"><li class="first-item">Unlegierte Massivdrahtelektrode</li><li>Verkupfert, lagengespult</li><li>Spritzerarm durch hohe chemische Reinheit</li><li>Geringe Verunreinigung des Zuführsystems</li><li>CTOD getestetes Schweißgut</li><li class="last-item">Industrie-, Handwerk- und Reparaturbetriebe sowie Schiffbau</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Unlegierte Massivdrahtelektrode</p><p>Verkupfert, lagengespult</p>'
deliveryScope = null
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
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manufacturer (array):
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value = 'DIN EN ISO 14341-A - G 46 2 C1 4 Si1 / G 46 4 M21 4 Si1'
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attributeId = '576'
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value = 'S185 - S355G1 | S255N - S355N | P255NH - P355NH | P235GH - P285NH | P235 - P355T2 | 20MnNb6 | L210 - L360N / Schiffbaustähle A,B,D,E'
unit = null
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attributeValueId = '12446691'
productAttributeId = '515766543'
value = 'AWS A-5.18 - ER 70S-6'
unit = null
attributeId = '52'
attributeValueId = '10838527'
productAttributeId = '515766541'
value = 'DC+'
unit = null
attributeId = '577'
attributeValueId = '8374123'
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value = 'TÜV / DB / GL / LR'
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price = 8.9499999999999993
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total = 10.650499999999999
produktbezeichnung = 'Unlegierte Massivdrahtelektrode'
price = 8.9499999999999993
currencySign = '€'
ewmPriceSurcharge = '0,00 €'
recommendedAccessories (array):
values (array):
14500 = '0.8 mm, B300'
14507 = '1.6 mm, B300'
ewmVariants (array):
productPriceGross = 10.650499999999999
id = '14499'
productPriceGross = 26.061
id = '14500'
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id = '14507'
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ewmLowestPricePackagingUnit = 'sp'
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avshop = 'AVSHOP'
listprice = '8.05'
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price = 8.9499999999999993
tax = '19'
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1 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-date="2025-02-08 13:29:47" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="SZW_Kurzform" data-productid="22627"><tbody><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Normen</td><td>DIN EN ISO 14341-A - G 46 2 C1 4 Si1 / G 46 4 M21 4 Si1</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Coll\'><td class="td1"/><td>AWS A-5.18 - ER 70S-6</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'SZW_Werkstoffnummer\'><td class=\'td1\'>Werkstoffnummer</td><td><span title="">1.5130</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Schweisspositionen\'><td class=\'td1\'>Schweißpositionen</td><td>PA / PB / PC / PD / PE / PF / PG</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Einstellbereich_Schweissstrom_Schweissverfahren\'><td class=\'td1\'>Polarität</td><td><span title="">DC+</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Durchmesser_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Ø</td><td>0.8 mm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Analyse_Werkstoff_Anteil_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Chemische Zusammensetzung (in %)</td><td><table><tbody><tr><td>C</td><td>Si</td><td>Mn</td><td>P</td><td>S</td></tr><tr><td>0.08 %</td><td>1 %</td><td>1.7 %</td><td>0.02 %</td><td>0.015 %</td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Gas_Art_Name\'><td class=\'td1\'>Schutzgas</td><td><span title="">C1</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Gas_Art_Name\'><td class="td1"/><td><span title="">M21</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Gas_Art_Name\'><td class="td1"/><td><span title="">M20 - M33</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zugfestigkeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Zugfestigkeit, Rm</td><td>530 J - 680 MPa</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Dehnung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Dehnung, A5</td><td>≥<span title="">20</span> %</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Kerbschlagarbeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Kerbschlagarbeit, Av</td><td>-40 °C: ≥ 47 J</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zulassung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Zulassungen</td><td>TÜV / DB / GL / LR</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'spulentyp\'><td class=\'td1\'>Gebinde</td><td><span title="">B300</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Gewicht_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Gewicht</td><td>15 kg</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'SZW_Werkstoffe_Wert\'><td class=\'td1\'>Grundwerkstoffe</td><td><span title="">S185 - S355G1 | S255N - S355N | P255NH - P355NH | P235GH - P285NH | P235 - P355T2 | 20MnNb6 | L210 - L360N</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'SZW_Werkstoffe_Wert\'><td class="td1"/><td><span title="">Schiffbaustähle A,B,D,E</span> </td></tr></tbody></table>'
2 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-date="2025-02-10 23:08:28" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="SZW_Kurzform" data-productid="43625"><tbody><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Normen</td><td>DIN EN ISO 14341-A - G 46 2 C1 4 Si1 / G 46 4 M21 4 Si1</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Coll\'><td class="td1"/><td>AWS A-5.18 - ER 70S-6</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'SZW_Werkstoffnummer\'><td class=\'td1\'>Werkstoffnummer</td><td><span title="">1.5130</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Schweisspositionen\'><td class=\'td1\'>Schweißpositionen</td><td>PA / PB / PC / PD / PE / PF / PG</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Einstellbereich_Schweissstrom_Schweissverfahren\'><td class=\'td1\'>Polarität</td><td><span title="">DC+</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Durchmesser_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Ø</td><td>1.6 mm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Analyse_Werkstoff_Anteil_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Chemische Zusammensetzung (in %)</td><td><table><tbody><tr><td>C</td><td>Si</td><td>Mn</td><td>P</td><td>S</td></tr><tr><td>0.08 %</td><td>1 %</td><td>1.7 %</td><td>0.02 %</td><td>0.015 %</td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Gas_Art_Name\'><td class=\'td1\'>Schutzgas</td><td><span title="">C1</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Gas_Art_Name\'><td class="td1"/><td><span title="">M21</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Gas_Art_Name\'><td class="td1"/><td><span title="">M20 - M33</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zugfestigkeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Zugfestigkeit, Rm</td><td>530 J - 680 MPa</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Dehnung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Dehnung, A5</td><td>≥<span title="">20</span> %</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Kerbschlagarbeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Kerbschlagarbeit, Av</td><td>-40 °C: ≥ 47 J</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zulassung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Zulassungen</td><td>TÜV / DB / GL / LR</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'spulentyp\'><td class=\'td1\'>Gebinde</td><td><span title="">B300</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Gewicht_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Gewicht</td><td>18 kg</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'SZW_Werkstoffe_Wert\'><td class=\'td1\'>Grundwerkstoffe</td><td><span title="">S185 - S355G1 | S255N - S355N | P255NH - P355NH | P235GH - P285NH | P235 - P355T2 | 20MnNb6 | L210 - L360N</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'SZW_Werkstoffe_Wert\'><td class="td1"/><td><span title="">Schiffbaustähle A,B,D,E</span> </td></tr></tbody></table>'
1 = '{"Normen": "DIN EN ISO 14341-A - G 46 2 C1 4 Si1 / G 46 4 M21 4 Si1","": "AWS A-5.18 - ER 70S-6","Werkstoffnummer": "1.5130","Schweißpositionen": "PA / PB / PC / PD / PE / PF / PG","Polarität": "DC+","Ø": "0.8 mm","Chemische Zusammensetzung (in %)": "C : 0.08 %Si : 1 %Mn : 1.7 %P : 0.02 %S : 0.015 %","Schutzgas": "C1 / M21 / M20 - M33","Zugfestigkeit, Rm": "530 J - 680 MPa","Dehnung, A5": "≥20 %","Kerbschlagarbeit, Av": "-40 °C / ≥47 J","Zulassungen": "TÜV / DB / GL / LR","Gebinde": "B300","Grundwerkstoffe": "S185 - S355G1 | S255N - S355N | P255NH - P355NH | P235GH - P285NH | P235 - P355T2 | 20MnNb6 | L210 - L360N / Schiffbaustähle A,B,D,E"}'
2 = '{"Normen": "DIN EN ISO 14341-A - G 46 2 C1 4 Si1 / G 46 4 M21 4 Si1","": "AWS A-5.18 - ER 70S-6","Werkstoffnummer": "1.5130","Schweißpositionen": "PA / PB / PC / PD / PE / PF / PG","Polarität": "DC+","Ø": "1.6 mm","Chemische Zusammensetzung (in %)": "C : 0.08 %Si : 1 %Mn : 1.7 %P : 0.02 %S : 0.015 %","Schutzgas": "C1 / M21 / M20 - M33","Zugfestigkeit, Rm": "530 J - 680 MPa","Dehnung, A5": "≥20 %","Kerbschlagarbeit, Av": "-40 °C / ≥47 J","Zulassungen": "TÜV / DB / GL / LR","Gebinde": "B300","Grundwerkstoffe": "S185 - S355G1 | S255N - S355N | P255NH - P355NH | P235GH - P285NH | P235 - P355T2 | 20MnNb6 | L210 - L360N / Schiffbaustähle A,B,D,E"}'
1 = '<p/>'
2 = '<p/>'
1 = null
2 = null
unit = null
values (array):
unit = null
values (array):
unit = null
values (array):
unit = null
values (array):
unit = null
values (array):
unit = null
values (array):
unit = null
values (array):
productMainId = '4787'
ean = '4051629122440'
vendorProductId = '097-003528-40350'
manufacturerProductId = '12070403.23EW'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = '63'
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-05-15 15:06:51'
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priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'kg'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '2'
validFrom = null
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hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '140234'
productId = '134066'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'SE 2209 Duplex'
name = 'SE 2209 Duplex 4.0x350mm'
description = '<ul class="description_list"><li class="first-item">Selbstlösende Schlacke, sehr geringe Spritzerneigung</li><li>Rutilumhüllte, hochlegierte Stabelektrode</li><li>Hervorragende Zünd- und Wiederzündeigenschaften</li><li>Für ferritisch-austenitische Cr-Ni-Mo-Stähle</li><li>Resistent gegen chloridhaltige Produkte und saure Gase</li><li>Einsatz in der Offshore-Technik z. B. im Rohrleitungsbau</li><li class="last-item">Maximale Betriebstemperatur des Endprodukts: 250 °C</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Selbstlösende Schlacke, sehr geringe Spritzerneigung</p><p>Rutilumhüllte, hochlegierte Stabelektrode</p>'
deliveryScope = null
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
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(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
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(private) vendorProductId = '097-003528-40350'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '12070403.23EW'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '63'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
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(private) packagingUnit = 'do'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'kg'
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(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '140234'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 96.443550000000002
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 81.045000000000002
manufacturer (array):
mime (array):
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(private) uri = 'IM0099082.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
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value = 'DIN EN ISO 3581-A - E 22 9 3 N LR 32'
unit = null
attributeId = '47'
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productAttributeId = '515761030'
value = ''
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attributeId = '576'
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productAttributeId = '515761037'
value = '1.4362, 1.4462 / Hoch korrosionsbeständige Stähle gleicher oder ähnlicher Zusammensetzung'
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attributeId = '53'
attributeValueId = '11727427'
productAttributeId = '515761047'
value = 'AWS A-5.4 - E 2209 L-16'
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productAttributeId = '515761031'
value = 'DC-/+'
unit = null
attributeId = '577'
attributeValueId = '8065974'
productAttributeId = '515761038'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2024-03-22 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 61.965000000000003
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 11.773350000000001
total = 73.738349999999997
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2022-03-11 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 377.81999999999999
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 71.785799999999995
total = 449.60579999999999
produktbezeichnung = 'Hochlegierte Stabelektrode'
price = 81.045000000000002
currencySign = '€'
ewmPriceSurcharge = '19,08 €'
recommendedAccessories (array):
values (array):
14395 = '3.25 mm, 350 mm'
134066 = '4 mm, 350 mm'
ewmVariants (array):
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id = '14394'
productPriceGross = 0
id = '14395'
productPriceGross = 96.443550000000002
id = '134066'
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avshop = 'AVSHOP'
listprice = '438.885'
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ewmQuantityPriceCollection (array):
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tax = '19'
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(private) languageId = null
(private) yBase oldInstance = null
1 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-date="2025-02-12 22:21:41" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="SZW_Kurzform" data-productid="29013"><tbody><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Normen</td><td>DIN EN ISO 3581-A - E 22 9 3 N LR 32</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Coll\'><td class="td1"/><td>AWS A-5.4 - E 2209 L-16</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'SZW_Werkstoffnummer\'><td class=\'td1\'>Werkstoffnummer</td><td><span title="">1.4462</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'SZW_Umhuellungstype\'><td class=\'td1\'>Umhüllungstyp</td><td><span title="">Rutil-Basisch</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Schweisspositionen\'><td class=\'td1\'>Schweißpositionen</td><td>PA / PB / PC / PD / PE / PF</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Einstellbereich_Schweissstrom_Schweissverfahren\'><td class=\'td1\'>Polarität</td><td><span title="">DC-/+</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Durchmesser_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Ø</td><td>3.25 mm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Analyse_Werkstoff_Anteil_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Chemische Zusammensetzung (in %)</td><td><table><tbody><tr><td>C</td><td>Si</td><td>Mn</td><td>Cr</td><td>Ni</td><td>Mo</td><td>N</td><td>Fe</td></tr><tr><td>0.04 %</td><td>1 %</td><td>0.6 %</td><td>22.5 %</td><td>9 %</td><td>3 %</td><td>0.2 %</td><td>Rest</td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zugfestigkeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Zugfestigkeit, Rm</td><td>550 MPa</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Dehnung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Dehnung, A5</td><td><span title="">20</span> %</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Kerbschlagarbeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Kerbschlagarbeit, Av</td><td>20 °C: 40 J</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'spulentyp\'><td class=\'td1\'>Gebinde</td><td><span title="">Dose</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Masse_Laenge\'><td class=\'td1\'>Länge</td><td><span title="">350</span> mm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Gewicht_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Gewicht</td><td>3.5 kg</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'SZW_Werkstoffe_Wert\'><td class=\'td1\'>Grundwerkstoffe</td><td><span title="">1.4362, 1.4462</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'SZW_Werkstoffe_Wert\'><td class="td1"/><td><span title="">Hoch korrosionsbeständige Stähle gleicher oder ähnlicher Zusammensetzung</span> </td></tr></tbody></table>'
2 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-date="2025-02-08 13:28:59" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="SZW_Kurzform" data-productid="29014"><tbody><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Normen</td><td>DIN EN ISO 3581-A - E 22 9 3 N LR 32</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Coll\'><td class="td1"/><td>AWS A-5.4 - E 2209 L-16</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'SZW_Werkstoffnummer\'><td class=\'td1\'>Werkstoffnummer</td><td><span title="">1.4462</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'SZW_Umhuellungstype\'><td class=\'td1\'>Umhüllungstyp</td><td><span title="">Rutil-Basisch</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Schweisspositionen\'><td class=\'td1\'>Schweißpositionen</td><td>PA / PB / PC / PD / PE / PF</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Einstellbereich_Schweissstrom_Schweissverfahren\'><td class=\'td1\'>Polarität</td><td><span title="">DC-/+</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Durchmesser_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Ø</td><td>4 mm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Analyse_Werkstoff_Anteil_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Chemische Zusammensetzung (in %)</td><td><table><tbody><tr><td>C</td><td>Si</td><td>Mn</td><td>Cr</td><td>Ni</td><td>Mo</td><td>N</td><td>Fe</td></tr><tr><td>0.04 %</td><td>1 %</td><td>0.6 %</td><td>22.5 %</td><td>9 %</td><td>3 %</td><td>0.2 %</td><td>Rest</td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zugfestigkeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Zugfestigkeit, Rm</td><td>550 MPa</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Dehnung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Dehnung, A5</td><td><span title="">20</span> %</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Kerbschlagarbeit_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Kerbschlagarbeit, Av</td><td>20 °C: 40 J</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'spulentyp\'><td class=\'td1\'>Gebinde</td><td><span title="">Dose</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Masse_Laenge\'><td class=\'td1\'>Länge</td><td><span title="">350</span> mm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Gewicht_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Gewicht</td><td>4.5 kg</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'SZW_Werkstoffe_Wert\'><td class=\'td1\'>Grundwerkstoffe</td><td><span title="">1.4362, 1.4462</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'SZW_Werkstoffe_Wert\'><td class="td1"/><td><span title="">Hoch korrosionsbeständige Stähle gleicher oder ähnlicher Zusammensetzung</span> </td></tr></tbody></table>'
1 = '{"Normen": "DIN EN ISO 3581-A - E 22 9 3 N LR 32","": "AWS A-5.4 - E 2209 L-16","Werkstoffnummer": "1.4462","Umhüllungstyp": "Rutil-Basisch","Schweißpositionen": "PA / PB / PC / PD / PE / PF","Polarität": "DC-/+","Rücktrocknung": "320 °C - 2 h","Ø": "3.25 mm","Chemische Zusammensetzung (in %)": "C : 0.04 %Si : 1 %Mn : 0.6 %Cr : 22.5 %Ni : 9 %Mo : 3 %N : 0.2 %Fe : 999 -","Zugfestigkeit, Rm": "550 MPa","Dehnung, A5": "20 %","Kerbschlagarbeit, Av": "20 °C / 40 J","Gebinde": "Dose","Länge": "350 mm","Grundwerkstoffe": "1.4362, 1.4462 / Hoch korrosionsbeständige Stähle gleicher oder ähnlicher Zusammensetzung"}'
2 = '{"Normen": "DIN EN ISO 3581-A - E 22 9 3 N LR 32","": "AWS A-5.4 - E 2209 L-16","Werkstoffnummer": "1.4462","Umhüllungstyp": "Rutil-Basisch","Schweißpositionen": "PA / PB / PC / PD / PE / PF","Polarität": "DC-/+","Rücktrocknung": "320 °C - 2 h","Ø": "4 mm","Chemische Zusammensetzung (in %)": "C : 0.04 %Si : 1 %Mn : 0.6 %Cr : 22.5 %Ni : 9 %Mo : 3 %N : 0.2 %Fe : 999 -","Zugfestigkeit, Rm": "550 MPa","Dehnung, A5": "20 %","Kerbschlagarbeit, Av": "20 °C / 40 J","Gebinde": "Dose","Länge": "350 mm","Grundwerkstoffe": "1.4362, 1.4462 / Hoch korrosionsbeständige Stähle gleicher oder ähnlicher Zusammensetzung"}'
1 = '<p/>'
2 = '<p/>'
1 = null
2 = null
unit = null
values (array):
unit = null
values (array):
unit = null
values (array):
unit = null
values (array):
unit = null
values (array):
unit = null
values (array):
unit = null
values (array):
productMainId = '101660'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '394-008523-00000'
manufacturerProductId = 'ADF725S'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = '61'
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-10-25 11:15:34'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '469333'
productId = '123584'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'Powershield 1.2'
name = 'Powershield 1.2'
description = '<ul class="description_list"><li class="first-item">Automatischer Schweißhelm</li><li>Automatischer Schweißhelm</li><li>Stufenlos einstellbare DIN-Schutzstufe mit seitlichem Stellrad</li><li>Automatisierte Abdunklung bei Zündung des Lichtbogens für optimalen Schutz</li><li>Geeignet für Temperaturen von -10°C bis +55°C</li><li>Geeignet für gängige Schweißverfahren</li><li>Schutzstufe 3.5 / 9 - 13</li><li>Geringes Gewicht mit 445 g</li><li>Kopfumschließend mit einstellbarem Kopfband</li><li>Schwarz mit silbernen Blitzen</li><li>Inklusive 2x AAA Batterien</li><li>Lichtbogensensor: 2</li><li>An/Aus: Automatisch</li><li>Regelung Empfindlichkeit: Niedrig bis hoch, durch stufenlosen Drehknopf</li><li>UV/IR-Schutz: Bei jeder Schutzstufeneinstellung</li><li>Stromversorgung: Solarzelle, Batterie austauschbar, 2 x AAA Alkalibatterien</li><li>Umschaltzeit: 1/25.000 sek von hell zu dunkel</li><li>WIG mit niedriger Amperezahl: > 5 Ampere (DC); > 5 Ampere (AC)</li><li>Schleifen: Ja</li><li class="last-item">Prüfung Batteriekapazität: Ja</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p code="DICT_TEXT">Automatischer Schweißhelm</p>'
deliveryScope = null
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) productMainId = '101660'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '394-008523-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = 'ADF725S'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '61'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-10-25 11:15:34'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '469333'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 89.25
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 75.0
manufacturer (array):
mime (array):
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0093208.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4212231'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBase oldInstance = null
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0097424.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4252067'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBase oldInstance = null
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0097493.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '2A4254401'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBase oldInstance = null
value = 'drive'
unit = null
attributeId = '576'
attributeValueId = '13653631'
productAttributeId = '549098768'
value = '-10 °C - 55 °C'
unit = null
attributeId = '515'
attributeValueId = '2630303'
productAttributeId = '549098766'
value = 'CE / ANSI / CSA'
unit = null
attributeId = '54'
attributeValueId = '9843215'
productAttributeId = '549098765'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2024-10-30 00:00:00'
validTo = '2025-03-01 00:00:00'
price = 75.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 14.25
total = 89.25
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2023-03-15 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 130.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 24.699999999999999
total = 154.69999999999999
produktbezeichnung = 'Automatischer Schweißhelm'
price = 75.0
currencySign = '€'
ewmPriceSurcharge = '0,00 €'
accessories (array):
(private) productMainId = '107876'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-014083-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = 'front cover'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2025-02-06 09:35:45'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '479965'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) productMainId = '107874'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-014084-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = 'inside cover'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '354'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2025-02-06 09:35:45'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '479961'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) productMainId = '107872'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '394-009868-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '094-013728-C0011'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '72'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2025-02-06 09:35:45'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '479957'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) productMainId = '107873'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '394-009867-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '094-015ZDH-GLQ00'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '92'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2025-02-06 09:35:45'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '479959'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) productMainId = '107875'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '394-009864-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = 'spare parts of welding helmet'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2025-02-06 09:35:45'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'pak'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'pak'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '479963'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) productMainId = '1882'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-003542-00500'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '460'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2025-02-06 09:35:45'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '68193'
(private) se oldInstance = null
107874 (object: ProductEntity): [recursion, skipped]
107872 (object: ProductEntity): [recursion, skipped]
107873 (object: ProductEntity): [recursion, skipped]
107875 (object: ProductEntity): [recursion, skipped]
1882 (object: ProductEntity): [recursion, skipped]
6691 = 'Arbeitsschutz und Sicherheit'
recommendedAccessories (array):
(private) productMainId = '107876'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-014083-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = 'front cover'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2025-02-06 09:35:45'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '479965'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) productMainId = '107874'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-014084-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = 'inside cover'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '354'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2025-02-06 09:35:45'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '479961'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) productMainId = '107872'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '394-009868-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '094-013728-C0011'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '72'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2025-02-06 09:35:45'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '479957'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) productMainId = '107873'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '394-009867-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '094-015ZDH-GLQ00'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '92'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2025-02-06 09:35:45'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '479959'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) productMainId = '107875'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '394-009864-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = 'spare parts of welding helmet'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2025-02-06 09:35:45'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'pak'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'pak'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '479963'
(private) se oldInstance = null
ewmVariants (array):
productPriceGross = 89.25
id = '123584'
accessories (array):
id = '132440'
vendorProductId = '398-014083-00000'
name = 'FCL Powershield'
produktbezeichnung = 'Äußere Vorsatzscheiben'
id = '133848'
vendorProductId = '398-014084-00000'
name = 'ICL Powershield 1.2'
produktbezeichnung = 'Innere Schutzscheiben'
id = '130401'
vendorProductId = '394-009868-00000'
name = 'HB Powershield 1.2'
produktbezeichnung = 'Kopfband'
id = '130402'
vendorProductId = '394-009867-00000'
name = 'ADF Powershield 1.2'
produktbezeichnung = 'Automatikschweißfilter inklusive 2 x AAA Alkaline Batterien'
id = '130404'
vendorProductId = '394-009864-00000'
name = 'Set Powershield 1.2'
produktbezeichnung = 'Verschleißteilset bestehend aus Automatikschweißfilter, Kopfband, Innerem Schutzfilter und äußerer Vorsatzscheibe'
id = '5572'
vendorProductId = '398-003542-00500'
name = 'Backpack'
produktbezeichnung = 'Rucksack für Powershield 2.5 und Powershield GT'
ewmLowestPrice = 75.0
ewmLowestPricePackagingUnit = 'stk'
ewmLowestPricePackagingAmount = '100'
avshop = 'AVSHOP'
listprice = '130'
ewmRabattgruppe = 'E2'
ewmQuantityPriceCollection (array):
price = 75.0
tax = '19'
taxTotal = 14.25
total = 89.25
ewmStockColor = '<span class="green"></span> auf Lager'
vmMime (array):
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0093208.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4212231'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBase oldInstance = null
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0097424.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4252067'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBase oldInstance = null
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0097493.jpg'
(private) type = 'Explosion'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '2A4254401'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBase oldInstance = null
unit = null
values (array):
unit = null
values (array):
unit = null
values (array):
productMainId = '111233'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-016290-SA000'
manufacturerProductId = null
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = '5'
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-10-15 09:41:20'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '489117'
productId = '134479'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'B2 AIR Set'
name = 'B2 AIR Set'
description = '<ul class="description_list"><li class="first-item">Druckluftbetriebenes Entgratsystem im Set, bestehend aus Entgratsystem, Gehörschutzstöpsel, Schutzbrille + Schaumrahmen</li><li>Konzipiert zum Entgraten und Verrunden von Kanten für Stahl, Edelstahl, Aluminium und anderen Werkstücken</li><li>Geeignet zum Bearbeiten von Bohrungen ab Innendurchmesser 7 mm</li><li>Kompaktes Design, hervorragende Ergonomik</li><li>Kantenbearbeitung durch Abrunden R1,5 mm wie z.B. Kantenvorbereitung vor dem Lackieren</li><li>Leistungsstarker und zuverlässiger pneumatischer Antrieb</li><li>Präzise, mechanische Skala zur Einstellung der Bearbeitungstiefe für noch mehr Präzision bei der Bearbeitung</li><li>Lieferumfang:</li><li>Druckluftbetriebenes Entgratsystem</li><li>B2 AIR</li><li>3M™ E-A-R™ Ultrafit™-Gehörschutzstöpsel</li><li>3M™ SecureFit™ 200-Schutzbrille</li><li>3M™ SecureFit™-Schaumrahmen für Schutzbrille</li><li>Werkzeug</li><li>Verpackt in einem Karton</li><li class="last-item">Benutzerhandbuch</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Druckluftbetriebenes Entgratsystem im Set, bestehend aus Entgratsystem, Gehörschutzstöpsel, Schutzbrille + Schaumrahmen</p>'
deliveryScope = null
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) productMainId = '111233'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-016290-SA000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '5'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-10-15 09:41:20'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '489117'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 565.25
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 475.0
manufacturer (array):
mime (array):
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099411.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4278559'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBase oldInstance = null
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2024-06-21 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 475.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 90.25
total = 565.25
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2024-04-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 569.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 108.11
total = 677.11000000000001
produktbezeichnung = 'Druckluftbetriebenes Entgratsystem im Set, bestehend aus Entgratsystem, Gehörschutzstöpsel, Schutzbrille + Schaumrahmen'
price = 475.0
currencySign = '€'
ewmHints (array):
accessories (array):
(private) productMainId = '110762'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-014429-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = 'NMF0107'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '487111'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) productMainId = '110761'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-017049-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '18654'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '487109'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) productMainId = '110818'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-017592-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '24203'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '487623'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) productMainId = '110815'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-016852-00001'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '24201'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '1000'
(private) packagingUnit = 'set'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'set'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '487569'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) productMainId = '110816'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-017172-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '24202'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '1000'
(private) packagingUnit = 'pak'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'pak'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '487585'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) productMainId = '110819'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-017593-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '24205'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-05-17 10:22:03'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '487627'
(private) se oldInstance = null
221511 (array):
110761 (object: ProductEntity): [recursion, skipped]
110818 (object: ProductEntity): [recursion, skipped]
110815 (object: ProductEntity): [recursion, skipped]
110816 (object: ProductEntity): [recursion, skipped]
110819 (object: ProductEntity): [recursion, skipped]
221511 = 'Anfas-und Entgratmaschinen'
recommendedAccessories (array):
ewmVariants (array):
productPriceGross = 565.25
id = '134479'
accessories (array):
id = '133903'
vendorProductId = '398-014429-00000'
name = 'Mag Brush Maxx Large'
produktbezeichnung = 'Magnetische Kehrmaschine'
id = '133902'
vendorProductId = '398-017049-00000'
name = 'MAG BRUSH'
produktbezeichnung = 'Magnetischer Stab'
id = '133998'
vendorProductId = '398-017592-00000'
produktbezeichnung = 'PNEUMATIK-SET mit Schnellkupplung'
id = '133995'
vendorProductId = '398-016852-00001'
name = 'ECO Inserts B2'
produktbezeichnung = 'Wendeschneidplatten'
id = '133996'
vendorProductId = '398-017172-00000'
name = 'Radius inserts B2, R 1,5 mm'
produktbezeichnung = 'Wendeschneidplatten'
id = '133999'
vendorProductId = '398-017593-00000'
name = 'Milling head B2'
produktbezeichnung = 'Fräskopf'
ewmLowestPrice = 475.0
ewmLowestPricePackagingUnit = 'stk'
ewmLowestPricePackagingAmount = '100'
avshop = 'AVSHOP'
listprice = '569'
ewmRabattgruppe = 'HW20'
darstellungsart = 'Set'
darstellungsarttemplate = 'Set.tpl'
ewmQuantityPriceCollection (array):
price = 475.0
tax = '19'
taxTotal = 90.25
total = 565.25
ewmStockColor = '<span class="yellow"></span> wenige verfügbar'
vmMime (array):
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099411.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4278559'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBase oldInstance = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
productMainId = '111877'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-018313-10000'
manufacturerProductId = null
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = '5'
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = ''
dateCreated = '2024-12-11 13:40:38'
dateModified = '2024-12-12 11:25:00'
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '491849'
productId = '135171'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'Set 3M Elektro-Winkelschleifer + 769F Fächerscheibe'
name = 'Set 3M Elektro-Winkelschleifer + 769F Fächerscheibe'
description = '<ul class="description_list"><li class="first-item">Leistung ohne Kompromisse! Erledigen Sie schwierigste Schleifarbeiten mit unserem Set von 3M, Elektro-Winkelschleifer, variable Drehzahl, 1900W, 125 mm, 14921, inkl. 3m Fächerscheibe 769F K40+</li><li>Der 3M™ Elektro-Winkelschleifer wird mit der innovativen 3M™ Fächerscheibe 769F, 51998, ausgeliefert, die spziell für schwierige Anwendungen entwickelt wurde. Mit einem robusten 1900-Watt-Motor ausgestattet, bietet der Winkelschleifer eine starke Leistung, die sich präzise und einfach steuern lässt. Dank seines ergonomischen Designs und des vibrationsarmen Griffs ist der 3M™ Elektro-Winkelschleifer auch bei intensiver Nutzung angenehm in der Handhabung. Die integrierte Drehzahlregelung erlaubt es, die Geschwindigkeit genau an die jeweilige Anwendung anzupassen, um optimale Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Mit hohen Drehzahlen und hohem Drehmoment ist dieses Werkzeug die ideale Wahl für eine effiziente Abtragsleistung und maximale Standzeit.</li><li>Der 3M™ Elektro-Winkelschleifer wird mit der innovativen 3M™ Fächerscheibe 769F ausgeliefert, die speziell für schwierige Anwendungen entwickelt wurde. Mit dem präzisionsgeformten Korn von 3M bietet diese Scheibe eine beeindruckende Kombination aus Abtragsleistung und Langlebigkeit, die herkömmliche Zirkonkorund-Schleifscheiben deutlich übertrifft. Die Körnung 40+ sorgt für besonders präzise Ergebnisse und ist ideal geeignet für die Bearbeitung von Bau- und Edelstahl.</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Leistung ohne Kompromisse! Erledigen Sie schwierigste Schleifarbeiten mit unserem Set von 3M, Elektro-Winkelschleifer, variable Drehzahl, 1900W, 125 mm, 14921, inkl. 3m Fächerscheibe 769F K40+</p>'
deliveryScope = ''
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) productMainId = '111877'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-018313-10000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '5'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = ''
(private) dateCreated = '2024-12-11 13:40:38'
(private) dateModified = '2024-12-12 11:25:00'
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '491849'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 285.48099999999999
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 239.90000000000001
manufacturer (array):
mime (array):
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099927.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4373013'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBase oldInstance = null
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099929.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4373026'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBase oldInstance = null
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099928.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '2A4373024'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBase oldInstance = null
value = 'drive'
unit = null
attributeId = '576'
attributeValueId = '13653631'
productAttributeId = '563454324'
value = '3M'
unit = null
attributeId = '575'
attributeValueId = '554'
productAttributeId = '563454325'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2024-12-02 00:00:00'
validTo = '2025-02-28 00:00:00'
price = 239.90000000000001
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 45.581000000000003
total = 285.48099999999999
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2024-11-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 316.88
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 60.2072
total = 377.0872
produktbezeichnung = 'Set Elektro-Winkelschleifer mit Fächerscheiben'
price = 239.90000000000001
currencySign = '€'
ewmPriceSurcharge = '0,00 €'
recommendedAccessories (array):
ewmVariants (array):
productPriceGross = 285.48099999999999
id = '135171'
ewmLowestPrice = 239.90000000000001
ewmLowestPricePackagingUnit = 'stk'
ewmLowestPricePackagingAmount = '100'
avshop = 'AVSHOP'
listprice = '316.88'
ewmRabattgruppe = 'HW6 '
ewmQuantityPriceCollection (array):
price = 239.90000000000001
tax = '19'
taxTotal = 45.581000000000003
total = 285.48099999999999
ewmStockColor = '<span class="yellow"></span> wenige verfügbar'
vmMime (array):
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099927.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4373013'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBase oldInstance = null
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099929.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '1A4373026'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBase oldInstance = null
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099928.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '2A4373024'
(private) languageId = null
(private) yBase oldInstance = null
unit = null
values (array):
unit = null
values (array):
productMainId = '111629'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-170023-00008'
manufacturerProductId = 'PU1350P-BLK-8'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = '1064'
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-11-21 09:36:34'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '1200'
packagingUnit = 've'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'pa'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '491120'
productId = '134901'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'Powershield Fine Knit Glove PU-coated'
name = 'Powershield Fine Knit Glove PU 8'
description = '<ul class="description_list"><li class="first-item">Powershield Montagehandschuh mit PU-Beschichtung</li><li>Powershield Feinstrick Handschuh – Arbeitshandschuh</li><li>Obermaterial: 13 Gauge Polyester Feinstrick Gewebe</li><li>Beschichtung: Finger mit PU-Schaum</li><li>Futtermaterial: nicht gefüttert</li><li>EWM - Persönliche Schutzausrüstung in Premium Qualität </li><li class="last-item">Maschinen- und Anlagenbau, Baustoffindustrie, Blechverarbeitung, Garten-, Forst- und Landwirtschaft, Montage- und Transportarbeiten</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Powershield Montagehandschuh mit PU-Beschichtung</p><p>8 - 12</p>'
deliveryScope = null
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) productMainId = '111629'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-170023-00008'
(private) manufacturerProductId = 'PU1350P-BLK-8'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '1064'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-11-21 09:36:34'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
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(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '491120'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 11.852400000000001
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 9.9600000000000009
manufacturer (array):
mime (array):
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(private) yBase oldInstance = null
value = 'drive'
unit = null
attributeId = '576'
attributeValueId = '13653631'
productAttributeId = '556333822'
value = 'CE'
unit = null
attributeId = '54'
attributeValueId = '10493'
productAttributeId = '556333821'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2024-10-30 00:00:00'
validTo = '2025-03-01 00:00:00'
price = 9.9600000000000009
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 1.8924000000000001
total = 11.852400000000001
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2024-07-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 11.4
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 2.1659999999999999
total = 13.566000000000001
quantity = '241'
validFrom = '2024-07-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 9.7200000000000006
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 1.8468
total = 11.566800000000001
quantity = '961'
validFrom = '2024-07-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 7.9199999999999999
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 1.5047999999999999
total = 9.4247999999999994
produktbezeichnung = 'Powershield Montagehandschuh mit PU-Beschichtung'
price = 9.9600000000000009
currencySign = '€'
ewmPriceSurcharge = '0,00 €'
recommendedAccessories (array):
values (array):
134902 = '9'
134903 = '10'
134904 = '11'
134905 = '12'
ewmVariants (array):
productPriceGross = 11.852400000000001
id = '134901'
productPriceGross = 0
id = '134902'
productPriceGross = 11.852400000000001
id = '134903'
productPriceGross = 11.852400000000001
id = '134904'
productPriceGross = 11.852400000000001
id = '134905'
ewmLowestPrice = 9.9600000000000009
ewmLowestPricePackagingUnit = 've'
ewmLowestPricePackagingAmount = '1200'
avshop = 'AVSHOP'
listprice = '11.4'
ewmRabattgruppe = 'HW15'
ewmQuantityPriceCollection (array):
price = 9.9600000000000009
tax = '19'
taxTotal = 1.8924000000000001
total = 11.852400000000001
ewmStockColor = '<span class="green"></span> auf Lager'
vmMime (array):
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099766.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
(private) version = null
(private) externalId = '0A4370886'
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(private) yBase oldInstance = null
(private) parentId = null
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(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
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(private) size = null
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(private) languageId = null
(private) yBase oldInstance = null
1 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-date="2025-01-29 17:07:21" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="TD Kleidung" data-productid="491073"><tbody><tr data-fieldname=\'Groesse_Wert\'><td class=\'td1\'>Größe</td><td><span title="">9</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Materialien_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Materialart</td><td>Feinstrick mit Polyurethan-Beschichtung</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zulassung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Zulassungen</td><td><svg class="ewmApproval" version="1.1" id="Ebene_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" width="32" height="24.0828" viewBox="0 0 200 140" enable-background="new 0 0 200 140" xml:space="preserve"> <g> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M187.189,2.958c-37.301,0-67.518,30.217-67.518,67.504S149.889,138,187.189,138c3.543,0,7.029-0.3,10.4-0.797v-20.59 c-3.339,0.73-6.824,1.13-10.4,1.13c-22.603,0-41.551-15.906-46.168-37.154h39.416V60.334h-39.416 c4.617-21.25,23.543-37.153,46.168-37.153c3.576,0,7.047,0.365,10.4,1.129V3.721C194.204,3.192,190.732,2.958,187.189,2.958 L187.189,2.958z M25.108,70.462c0-26.098,21.153-47.281,47.252-47.281c2.291,0,4.549,0.17,6.773,0.497V3.26 c-2.224-0.2-4.482-0.335-6.773-0.335c-37.289,0-67.526,30.218-67.526,67.538c0,37.286,30.238,67.534,67.526,67.534 c2.291,0,4.549-0.132,6.773-0.362v-20.389c-2.224,0.328-4.449,0.465-6.773,0.465C46.271,117.743,25.108,96.593,25.108,70.462 L25.108,70.462z"/> </g> </svg></td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Normen</td><td> - EN 388:2016 - 3121X</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Coll\'><td class="td1"/><td> - EN 420</td></tr></tbody></table>'
2 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-date="2025-02-12 09:49:11" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="TD Kleidung" data-productid="491074"><tbody><tr data-fieldname=\'Groesse_Wert\'><td class=\'td1\'>Größe</td><td><span title="">10</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Materialien_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Materialart</td><td>Feinstrick mit Polyurethan-Beschichtung</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zulassung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Zulassungen</td><td><svg class="ewmApproval" version="1.1" id="Ebene_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" width="32" height="24.0828" viewBox="0 0 200 140" enable-background="new 0 0 200 140" xml:space="preserve"> <g> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M187.189,2.958c-37.301,0-67.518,30.217-67.518,67.504S149.889,138,187.189,138c3.543,0,7.029-0.3,10.4-0.797v-20.59 c-3.339,0.73-6.824,1.13-10.4,1.13c-22.603,0-41.551-15.906-46.168-37.154h39.416V60.334h-39.416 c4.617-21.25,23.543-37.153,46.168-37.153c3.576,0,7.047,0.365,10.4,1.129V3.721C194.204,3.192,190.732,2.958,187.189,2.958 L187.189,2.958z M25.108,70.462c0-26.098,21.153-47.281,47.252-47.281c2.291,0,4.549,0.17,6.773,0.497V3.26 c-2.224-0.2-4.482-0.335-6.773-0.335c-37.289,0-67.526,30.218-67.526,67.538c0,37.286,30.238,67.534,67.526,67.534 c2.291,0,4.549-0.132,6.773-0.362v-20.389c-2.224,0.328-4.449,0.465-6.773,0.465C46.271,117.743,25.108,96.593,25.108,70.462 L25.108,70.462z"/> </g> </svg></td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Normen</td><td> - EN 388:2016 - 3121X</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Coll\'><td class="td1"/><td> - EN 420</td></tr></tbody></table>'
3 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-date="2025-02-06 07:47:48" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="TD Kleidung" data-productid="491076"><tbody><tr data-fieldname=\'Groesse_Wert\'><td class=\'td1\'>Größe</td><td><span title="">11</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Materialien_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Materialart</td><td>Feinstrick mit Polyurethan-Beschichtung</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zulassung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Zulassungen</td><td><svg class="ewmApproval" version="1.1" id="Ebene_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" width="32" height="24.0828" viewBox="0 0 200 140" enable-background="new 0 0 200 140" xml:space="preserve"> <g> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M187.189,2.958c-37.301,0-67.518,30.217-67.518,67.504S149.889,138,187.189,138c3.543,0,7.029-0.3,10.4-0.797v-20.59 c-3.339,0.73-6.824,1.13-10.4,1.13c-22.603,0-41.551-15.906-46.168-37.154h39.416V60.334h-39.416 c4.617-21.25,23.543-37.153,46.168-37.153c3.576,0,7.047,0.365,10.4,1.129V3.721C194.204,3.192,190.732,2.958,187.189,2.958 L187.189,2.958z M25.108,70.462c0-26.098,21.153-47.281,47.252-47.281c2.291,0,4.549,0.17,6.773,0.497V3.26 c-2.224-0.2-4.482-0.335-6.773-0.335c-37.289,0-67.526,30.218-67.526,67.538c0,37.286,30.238,67.534,67.526,67.534 c2.291,0,4.549-0.132,6.773-0.362v-20.389c-2.224,0.328-4.449,0.465-6.773,0.465C46.271,117.743,25.108,96.593,25.108,70.462 L25.108,70.462z"/> </g> </svg></td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Normen</td><td> - EN 388:2016 - 3121X</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Coll\'><td class="td1"/><td> - EN 420</td></tr></tbody></table>'
4 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-date="2025-02-06 07:47:56" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="TD Kleidung" data-productid="491075"><tbody><tr data-fieldname=\'Groesse_Wert\'><td class=\'td1\'>Größe</td><td><span title="">12</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Materialien_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Materialart</td><td>Feinstrick mit Polyurethan-Beschichtung</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zulassung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Zulassungen</td><td><svg class="ewmApproval" version="1.1" id="Ebene_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" width="32" height="24.0828" viewBox="0 0 200 140" enable-background="new 0 0 200 140" xml:space="preserve"> <g> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M187.189,2.958c-37.301,0-67.518,30.217-67.518,67.504S149.889,138,187.189,138c3.543,0,7.029-0.3,10.4-0.797v-20.59 c-3.339,0.73-6.824,1.13-10.4,1.13c-22.603,0-41.551-15.906-46.168-37.154h39.416V60.334h-39.416 c4.617-21.25,23.543-37.153,46.168-37.153c3.576,0,7.047,0.365,10.4,1.129V3.721C194.204,3.192,190.732,2.958,187.189,2.958 L187.189,2.958z M25.108,70.462c0-26.098,21.153-47.281,47.252-47.281c2.291,0,4.549,0.17,6.773,0.497V3.26 c-2.224-0.2-4.482-0.335-6.773-0.335c-37.289,0-67.526,30.218-67.526,67.538c0,37.286,30.238,67.534,67.526,67.534 c2.291,0,4.549-0.132,6.773-0.362v-20.389c-2.224,0.328-4.449,0.465-6.773,0.465C46.271,117.743,25.108,96.593,25.108,70.462 L25.108,70.462z"/> </g> </svg></td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Normen</td><td> - EN 388:2016 - 3121X</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Coll\'><td class="td1"/><td> - EN 420</td></tr></tbody></table>'
1 = '{"Größe": "9","Materialart": "Feinstrick mit Polyurethan-Beschichtung","Zulassungen": "CE","Normen": "EN 388:2016 - 3121X","": "EN 420"}'
2 = '{"Größe": "10","Materialart": "Feinstrick mit Polyurethan-Beschichtung","Zulassungen": "CE","Normen": "EN 388:2016 - 3121X","": "EN 420"}'
3 = '{"Größe": "11","Materialart": "Feinstrick mit Polyurethan-Beschichtung","Zulassungen": "CE","Normen": "EN 388:2016 - 3121X","": "EN 420"}'
4 = '{"Größe": "12","Materialart": "Feinstrick mit Polyurethan-Beschichtung","Zulassungen": "CE","Normen": "EN 388:2016 - 3121X","": "EN 420"}'
1 = '<p/>'
2 = '<p/>'
3 = '<p/>'
4 = '<p/>'
1 = null
2 = null
3 = null
4 = null
unit = null
values (array):
unit = null
values (array):
productMainId = '111627'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-170024-00008'
manufacturerProductId = 'NY1350FRB-8'
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = '586'
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = null
dateCreated = '2024-11-21 09:36:34'
dateModified = null
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '1200'
packagingUnit = 've'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'pa'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '491108'
productId = '134891'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'Powershield Fine Knit Glove Nitrile coated'
name = 'Powershield Fine Knit Glove Nitrile 8'
description = '<ul class="description_list"><li class="first-item">Powershield Montagehandschuh mit Nitril-Beschichtung</li><li>Powershield Feinstrick Handschuh – Arbeitshandschuh</li><li>Obermaterial: 15 Gauge Nylon Feinstrick Gewebe</li><li>Beschichtung: Finger mit Nitril-Schaum</li><li>Futtermaterial: nicht gefüttert</li><li>EWM - Persönliche Schutzausrüstung in Premium Qualität </li><li class="last-item">Maschinen- und Anlagenbau, Baustoffindustrie, Blechverarbeitung, Garten-, Forst- und Landwirtschaft, Montage- und Transportarbeiten</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Powershield Montagehandschuh mit Nitril-Beschichtung</p><p>8 - 12</p>'
deliveryScope = null
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) productMainId = '111627'
(private) ean = null
(private) vendorProductId = '398-170024-00008'
(private) manufacturerProductId = 'NY1350FRB-8'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '586'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-11-21 09:36:34'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '1200'
(private) packagingUnit = 've'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'pa'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '491108'
(private) se oldInstance = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 33.272400000000005
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 27.960000000000001
manufacturer (array):
mime (array):
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099770.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
(private) mimeType = 'image/jpeg'
(private) width = '800'
(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
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(private) yBase oldInstance = null
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099936.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
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(private) yBase oldInstance = null
value = 'drive'
unit = null
attributeId = '576'
attributeValueId = '13653631'
productAttributeId = '556333633'
value = 'CE'
unit = null
attributeId = '54'
attributeValueId = '10493'
productAttributeId = '556333631'
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2024-10-30 00:00:00'
validTo = '2025-03-01 00:00:00'
price = 27.960000000000001
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 5.3124000000000002
total = 33.272400000000005
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2024-07-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 33.0
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 6.2699999999999996
total = 39.269999999999996
quantity = '241'
validFrom = '2024-07-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 28.079999999999998
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 5.3351999999999995
total = 33.415199999999999
quantity = '961'
validFrom = '2024-07-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 23.039999999999999
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 4.3776000000000002
total = 27.4176
produktbezeichnung = 'Powershield Montagehandschuh mit Nitril-Beschichtung'
price = 27.960000000000001
currencySign = '€'
ewmPriceSurcharge = '0,00 €'
recommendedAccessories (array):
values (array):
134892 = '9'
134893 = '10'
134894 = '11'
134895 = '12'
ewmVariants (array):
productPriceGross = 33.272400000000005
id = '134891'
productPriceGross = 33.272400000000005
id = '134892'
productPriceGross = 33.272400000000005
id = '134893'
productPriceGross = 33.272400000000005
id = '134894'
productPriceGross = 33.272400000000005
id = '134895'
ewmLowestPrice = 27.960000000000001
ewmLowestPricePackagingUnit = 've'
ewmLowestPricePackagingAmount = '1200'
avshop = 'AVSHOP'
listprice = '33'
ewmRabattgruppe = 'HW15'
ewmQuantityPriceCollection (array):
price = 27.960000000000001
tax = '19'
taxTotal = 5.3124000000000002
total = 33.272400000000005
ewmStockColor = '<span class="green"></span> auf Lager'
vmMime (array):
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(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
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(private) yBase oldInstance = null
(private) parentId = null
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(private) yBase oldInstance = null
1 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-date="2025-01-29 21:28:12" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="TD Kleidung" data-productid="491095"><tbody><tr data-fieldname=\'Groesse_Wert\'><td class=\'td1\'>Größe</td><td><span title="">9</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Materialien_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Materialart</td><td>Feinstrick mit Nitril-Beschichtung</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zulassung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Zulassungen</td><td><svg class="ewmApproval" version="1.1" id="Ebene_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" width="32" height="24.0828" viewBox="0 0 200 140" enable-background="new 0 0 200 140" xml:space="preserve"> <g> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M187.189,2.958c-37.301,0-67.518,30.217-67.518,67.504S149.889,138,187.189,138c3.543,0,7.029-0.3,10.4-0.797v-20.59 c-3.339,0.73-6.824,1.13-10.4,1.13c-22.603,0-41.551-15.906-46.168-37.154h39.416V60.334h-39.416 c4.617-21.25,23.543-37.153,46.168-37.153c3.576,0,7.047,0.365,10.4,1.129V3.721C194.204,3.192,190.732,2.958,187.189,2.958 L187.189,2.958z M25.108,70.462c0-26.098,21.153-47.281,47.252-47.281c2.291,0,4.549,0.17,6.773,0.497V3.26 c-2.224-0.2-4.482-0.335-6.773-0.335c-37.289,0-67.526,30.218-67.526,67.538c0,37.286,30.238,67.534,67.526,67.534 c2.291,0,4.549-0.132,6.773-0.362v-20.389c-2.224,0.328-4.449,0.465-6.773,0.465C46.271,117.743,25.108,96.593,25.108,70.462 L25.108,70.462z"/> </g> </svg></td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Normen</td><td> - EN 388: 4121X</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Coll\'><td class="td1"/><td> - EN 420</td></tr></tbody></table>'
2 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-date="2025-02-13 09:49:07" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="TD Kleidung" data-productid="491096"><tbody><tr data-fieldname=\'Groesse_Wert\'><td class=\'td1\'>Größe</td><td><span title="">10</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Materialien_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Materialart</td><td>Feinstrick mit Nitril-Beschichtung</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zulassung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Zulassungen</td><td><svg class="ewmApproval" version="1.1" id="Ebene_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" width="32" height="24.0828" viewBox="0 0 200 140" enable-background="new 0 0 200 140" xml:space="preserve"> <g> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M187.189,2.958c-37.301,0-67.518,30.217-67.518,67.504S149.889,138,187.189,138c3.543,0,7.029-0.3,10.4-0.797v-20.59 c-3.339,0.73-6.824,1.13-10.4,1.13c-22.603,0-41.551-15.906-46.168-37.154h39.416V60.334h-39.416 c4.617-21.25,23.543-37.153,46.168-37.153c3.576,0,7.047,0.365,10.4,1.129V3.721C194.204,3.192,190.732,2.958,187.189,2.958 L187.189,2.958z M25.108,70.462c0-26.098,21.153-47.281,47.252-47.281c2.291,0,4.549,0.17,6.773,0.497V3.26 c-2.224-0.2-4.482-0.335-6.773-0.335c-37.289,0-67.526,30.218-67.526,67.538c0,37.286,30.238,67.534,67.526,67.534 c2.291,0,4.549-0.132,6.773-0.362v-20.389c-2.224,0.328-4.449,0.465-6.773,0.465C46.271,117.743,25.108,96.593,25.108,70.462 L25.108,70.462z"/> </g> </svg></td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Normen</td><td> - EN 388: 4121X</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Coll\'><td class="td1"/><td> - EN 420</td></tr></tbody></table>'
3 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-date="2024-12-11 12:33:27" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="TD Kleidung" data-productid="491097"><tbody><tr data-fieldname=\'Groesse_Wert\'><td class=\'td1\'>Größe</td><td><span title="">11</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Materialien_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Materialart</td><td>Feinstrick mit Nitril-Beschichtung</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zulassung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Zulassungen</td><td><svg class="ewmApproval" version="1.1" id="Ebene_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" width="32" height="24.0828" viewBox="0 0 200 140" enable-background="new 0 0 200 140" xml:space="preserve"> <g> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M187.189,2.958c-37.301,0-67.518,30.217-67.518,67.504S149.889,138,187.189,138c3.543,0,7.029-0.3,10.4-0.797v-20.59 c-3.339,0.73-6.824,1.13-10.4,1.13c-22.603,0-41.551-15.906-46.168-37.154h39.416V60.334h-39.416 c4.617-21.25,23.543-37.153,46.168-37.153c3.576,0,7.047,0.365,10.4,1.129V3.721C194.204,3.192,190.732,2.958,187.189,2.958 L187.189,2.958z M25.108,70.462c0-26.098,21.153-47.281,47.252-47.281c2.291,0,4.549,0.17,6.773,0.497V3.26 c-2.224-0.2-4.482-0.335-6.773-0.335c-37.289,0-67.526,30.218-67.526,67.538c0,37.286,30.238,67.534,67.526,67.534 c2.291,0,4.549-0.132,6.773-0.362v-20.389c-2.224,0.328-4.449,0.465-6.773,0.465C46.271,117.743,25.108,96.593,25.108,70.462 L25.108,70.462z"/> </g> </svg></td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Normen</td><td> - EN 388: 4121X</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Coll\'><td class="td1"/><td> - EN 420</td></tr></tbody></table>'
4 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-date="2025-01-08 08:34:49" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="TD Kleidung" data-productid="491098"><tbody><tr data-fieldname=\'Groesse_Wert\'><td class=\'td1\'>Größe</td><td><span title="">12</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Materialien_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Materialart</td><td>Feinstrick mit Nitril-Beschichtung</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zulassung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Zulassungen</td><td><svg class="ewmApproval" version="1.1" id="Ebene_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" width="32" height="24.0828" viewBox="0 0 200 140" enable-background="new 0 0 200 140" xml:space="preserve"> <g> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M187.189,2.958c-37.301,0-67.518,30.217-67.518,67.504S149.889,138,187.189,138c3.543,0,7.029-0.3,10.4-0.797v-20.59 c-3.339,0.73-6.824,1.13-10.4,1.13c-22.603,0-41.551-15.906-46.168-37.154h39.416V60.334h-39.416 c4.617-21.25,23.543-37.153,46.168-37.153c3.576,0,7.047,0.365,10.4,1.129V3.721C194.204,3.192,190.732,2.958,187.189,2.958 L187.189,2.958z M25.108,70.462c0-26.098,21.153-47.281,47.252-47.281c2.291,0,4.549,0.17,6.773,0.497V3.26 c-2.224-0.2-4.482-0.335-6.773-0.335c-37.289,0-67.526,30.218-67.526,67.538c0,37.286,30.238,67.534,67.526,67.534 c2.291,0,4.549-0.132,6.773-0.362v-20.389c-2.224,0.328-4.449,0.465-6.773,0.465C46.271,117.743,25.108,96.593,25.108,70.462 L25.108,70.462z"/> </g> </svg></td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Normen</td><td> - EN 388: 4121X</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Coll\'><td class="td1"/><td> - EN 420</td></tr></tbody></table>'
1 = '{"Größe": "9","Materialart": "Feinstrick mit Nitril-Beschichtung","Zulassungen": "CE","Normen": "EN 388: 4121X","": "EN 420"}'
2 = '{"Größe": "10","Materialart": "Feinstrick mit Nitril-Beschichtung","Zulassungen": "CE","Normen": "EN 388: 4121X","": "EN 420"}'
3 = '{"Größe": "11","Materialart": "Feinstrick mit Nitril-Beschichtung","Zulassungen": "CE","Normen": "EN 388: 4121X","": "EN 420"}'
4 = '{"Größe": "12","Materialart": "Feinstrick mit Nitril-Beschichtung","Zulassungen": "CE","Normen": "EN 388: 4121X","": "EN 420"}'
1 = '<p/>'
2 = '<p/>'
3 = '<p/>'
4 = '<p/>'
1 = null
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3 = null
4 = null
unit = null
values (array):
unit = null
values (array):
productMainId = '111628'
ean = null
vendorProductId = '398-170025-00008'
manufacturerProductId = 'NY1350FRB-Touch-8'
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productSearchId = null
stock = '666'
stockBehaviour = '1'
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priceUnit = 'pa'
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validFrom = null
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hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '491114'
productId = '134896'
languageId = '1'
nameShort = 'Powershield Fine Knit Glove Nitrile Touch'
name = 'Powershield Fine Knit Glove Nitrile Touch 8'
description = '<ul class="description_list"><li class="first-item">Powershield Montagehandschuh mit Nitril-Beschichtung</li><li>Powershield Feinstrick Handschuh – Arbeitshandschuh</li><li>Obermaterial: 15 Gauge Nylon Feinstrick Gewebe</li><li>Beschichtung: Finger mit Nitril-Schaum</li><li>Futtermaterial: nicht gefüttert</li><li>Besonderheit: Arbeitshandschuhe mit TOUCH Funktion - ermöglicht Bildschirm-Bedienung</li><li>EWM - Persönliche Schutzausrüstung in Premium Qualität </li><li class="last-item">Maschinen- und Anlagenbau, Baustoffindustrie, Blechverarbeitung, Garten-, Forst- und Landwirtschaft, Montage- und Transportarbeiten</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Powershield Montagehandschuh mit Nitril-Beschichtung</p><p>8 - 12</p>'
deliveryScope = null
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) productMainId = '111628'
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(private) manufacturerProductId = 'NY1350FRB-Touch-8'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
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(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2024-11-21 09:36:34'
(private) dateModified = null
(private) public = '1'
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(private) deleted = '0'
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(private) packagingUnit = 've'
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(private) priceUnit = 'pa'
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(private) validFrom = null
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(private) externalId = '491114'
(private) se oldInstance = null
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(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 36.842399999999998
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 30.960000000000001
manufacturer (array):
mime (array):
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(private) yBase oldInstance = null
value = 'drive'
unit = null
attributeId = '576'
attributeValueId = '13653631'
productAttributeId = '556333727'
value = 'CE'
unit = null
attributeId = '54'
attributeValueId = '10493'
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quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2024-10-30 00:00:00'
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price = 30.960000000000001
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total = 36.842399999999998
quantity = '0'
validFrom = '2024-07-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 36.359999999999999
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 6.9084000000000003
total = 43.2684
quantity = '241'
validFrom = '2024-07-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 30.960000000000001
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 5.8824000000000005
total = 36.842399999999998
quantity = '961'
validFrom = '2024-07-01 00:00:00'
validTo = null
price = 25.440000000000001
tax = 19.0
taxTotal = 4.8336000000000006
total = 30.273600000000002
produktbezeichnung = 'Powershield Montagehandschuh mit Nitril-Beschichtung'
price = 30.960000000000001
currencySign = '€'
ewmPriceSurcharge = '0,00 €'
recommendedAccessories (array):
values (array):
134897 = '9'
134898 = '10'
134899 = '11'
134900 = '12'
ewmVariants (array):
productPriceGross = 36.842399999999998
id = '134896'
productPriceGross = 36.842399999999998
id = '134897'
productPriceGross = 36.842399999999998
id = '134898'
productPriceGross = 36.842399999999998
id = '134899'
productPriceGross = 43.2684
id = '134900'
ewmLowestPrice = 30.960000000000001
ewmLowestPricePackagingUnit = 've'
ewmLowestPricePackagingAmount = '1200'
avshop = 'AVSHOP'
listprice = '36.36'
ewmRabattgruppe = 'HW15'
ewmQuantityPriceCollection (array):
price = 30.960000000000001
tax = '19'
taxTotal = 5.8824000000000005
total = 36.842399999999998
ewmStockColor = '<span class="green"></span> auf Lager'
vmMime (array):
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(private) uri = 'IM0099771.jpg'
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(private) height = '600'
(private) size = null
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(private) yBase oldInstance = null
(private) parentId = null
(private) uri = 'IM0099936.jpg'
(private) type = 'Produktbild'
(private) usage = null
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(private) yBase oldInstance = null
1 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-date="2025-02-05 01:17:58" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="TD Kleidung" data-productid="491103"><tbody><tr data-fieldname=\'Groesse_Wert\'><td class=\'td1\'>Größe</td><td><span title="">9</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Materialien_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Materialart</td><td>Feinstrick mit Nitril-Beschichtung</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zulassung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Zulassungen</td><td><svg class="ewmApproval" version="1.1" id="Ebene_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" width="32" height="24.0828" viewBox="0 0 200 140" enable-background="new 0 0 200 140" xml:space="preserve"> <g> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M187.189,2.958c-37.301,0-67.518,30.217-67.518,67.504S149.889,138,187.189,138c3.543,0,7.029-0.3,10.4-0.797v-20.59 c-3.339,0.73-6.824,1.13-10.4,1.13c-22.603,0-41.551-15.906-46.168-37.154h39.416V60.334h-39.416 c4.617-21.25,23.543-37.153,46.168-37.153c3.576,0,7.047,0.365,10.4,1.129V3.721C194.204,3.192,190.732,2.958,187.189,2.958 L187.189,2.958z M25.108,70.462c0-26.098,21.153-47.281,47.252-47.281c2.291,0,4.549,0.17,6.773,0.497V3.26 c-2.224-0.2-4.482-0.335-6.773-0.335c-37.289,0-67.526,30.218-67.526,67.538c0,37.286,30.238,67.534,67.526,67.534 c2.291,0,4.549-0.132,6.773-0.362v-20.389c-2.224,0.328-4.449,0.465-6.773,0.465C46.271,117.743,25.108,96.593,25.108,70.462 L25.108,70.462z"/> </g> </svg></td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Normen</td><td> - EN 388: 4121X</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Coll\'><td class="td1"/><td> - EN 420</td></tr></tbody></table>'
2 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-date="2025-02-13 09:49:41" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="TD Kleidung" data-productid="491104"><tbody><tr data-fieldname=\'Groesse_Wert\'><td class=\'td1\'>Größe</td><td><span title="">10</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Materialien_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Materialart</td><td>Feinstrick mit Nitril-Beschichtung</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zulassung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Zulassungen</td><td><svg class="ewmApproval" version="1.1" id="Ebene_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" width="32" height="24.0828" viewBox="0 0 200 140" enable-background="new 0 0 200 140" xml:space="preserve"> <g> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M187.189,2.958c-37.301,0-67.518,30.217-67.518,67.504S149.889,138,187.189,138c3.543,0,7.029-0.3,10.4-0.797v-20.59 c-3.339,0.73-6.824,1.13-10.4,1.13c-22.603,0-41.551-15.906-46.168-37.154h39.416V60.334h-39.416 c4.617-21.25,23.543-37.153,46.168-37.153c3.576,0,7.047,0.365,10.4,1.129V3.721C194.204,3.192,190.732,2.958,187.189,2.958 L187.189,2.958z M25.108,70.462c0-26.098,21.153-47.281,47.252-47.281c2.291,0,4.549,0.17,6.773,0.497V3.26 c-2.224-0.2-4.482-0.335-6.773-0.335c-37.289,0-67.526,30.218-67.526,67.538c0,37.286,30.238,67.534,67.526,67.534 c2.291,0,4.549-0.132,6.773-0.362v-20.389c-2.224,0.328-4.449,0.465-6.773,0.465C46.271,117.743,25.108,96.593,25.108,70.462 L25.108,70.462z"/> </g> </svg></td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Normen</td><td> - EN 388: 4121X</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Coll\'><td class="td1"/><td> - EN 420</td></tr></tbody></table>'
3 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-date="2024-12-11 12:34:11" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="TD Kleidung" data-productid="491105"><tbody><tr data-fieldname=\'Groesse_Wert\'><td class=\'td1\'>Größe</td><td><span title="">11</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Materialien_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Materialart</td><td>Feinstrick mit Nitril-Beschichtung</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zulassung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Zulassungen</td><td><svg class="ewmApproval" version="1.1" id="Ebene_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" width="32" height="24.0828" viewBox="0 0 200 140" enable-background="new 0 0 200 140" xml:space="preserve"> <g> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M187.189,2.958c-37.301,0-67.518,30.217-67.518,67.504S149.889,138,187.189,138c3.543,0,7.029-0.3,10.4-0.797v-20.59 c-3.339,0.73-6.824,1.13-10.4,1.13c-22.603,0-41.551-15.906-46.168-37.154h39.416V60.334h-39.416 c4.617-21.25,23.543-37.153,46.168-37.153c3.576,0,7.047,0.365,10.4,1.129V3.721C194.204,3.192,190.732,2.958,187.189,2.958 L187.189,2.958z M25.108,70.462c0-26.098,21.153-47.281,47.252-47.281c2.291,0,4.549,0.17,6.773,0.497V3.26 c-2.224-0.2-4.482-0.335-6.773-0.335c-37.289,0-67.526,30.218-67.526,67.538c0,37.286,30.238,67.534,67.526,67.534 c2.291,0,4.549-0.132,6.773-0.362v-20.389c-2.224,0.328-4.449,0.465-6.773,0.465C46.271,117.743,25.108,96.593,25.108,70.462 L25.108,70.462z"/> </g> </svg></td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Normen</td><td> - EN 388: 4121X</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Coll\'><td class="td1"/><td> - EN 420</td></tr></tbody></table>'
4 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-date="2024-12-11 12:34:19" data-mainWp="" data-voltages="0" data-tablename="TD Kleidung" data-productid="491106"><tbody><tr data-fieldname=\'Groesse_Wert\'><td class=\'td1\'>Größe</td><td><span title="">12</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Materialien_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Materialart</td><td>Feinstrick mit Nitril-Beschichtung</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zulassung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Zulassungen</td><td><svg class="ewmApproval" version="1.1" id="Ebene_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" width="32" height="24.0828" viewBox="0 0 200 140" enable-background="new 0 0 200 140" xml:space="preserve"> <g> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M187.189,2.958c-37.301,0-67.518,30.217-67.518,67.504S149.889,138,187.189,138c3.543,0,7.029-0.3,10.4-0.797v-20.59 c-3.339,0.73-6.824,1.13-10.4,1.13c-22.603,0-41.551-15.906-46.168-37.154h39.416V60.334h-39.416 c4.617-21.25,23.543-37.153,46.168-37.153c3.576,0,7.047,0.365,10.4,1.129V3.721C194.204,3.192,190.732,2.958,187.189,2.958 L187.189,2.958z M25.108,70.462c0-26.098,21.153-47.281,47.252-47.281c2.291,0,4.549,0.17,6.773,0.497V3.26 c-2.224-0.2-4.482-0.335-6.773-0.335c-37.289,0-67.526,30.218-67.526,67.538c0,37.286,30.238,67.534,67.526,67.534 c2.291,0,4.549-0.132,6.773-0.362v-20.389c-2.224,0.328-4.449,0.465-6.773,0.465C46.271,117.743,25.108,96.593,25.108,70.462 L25.108,70.462z"/> </g> </svg></td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Normen</td><td> - EN 388: 4121X</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Normen_Coll\'><td class="td1"/><td> - EN 420</td></tr></tbody></table>'
1 = '{"Größe": "9","Materialart": "Feinstrick mit Nitril-Beschichtung","Zulassungen": "CE","Normen": "EN 388: 4121X","": "EN 420"}'
2 = '{"Größe": "10","Materialart": "Feinstrick mit Nitril-Beschichtung","Zulassungen": "CE","Normen": "EN 388: 4121X","": "EN 420"}'
3 = '{"Größe": "11","Materialart": "Feinstrick mit Nitril-Beschichtung","Zulassungen": "CE","Normen": "EN 388: 4121X","": "EN 420"}'
4 = '{"Größe": "12","Materialart": "Feinstrick mit Nitril-Beschichtung","Zulassungen": "CE","Normen": "EN 388: 4121X","": "EN 420"}'
1 = '<p/>'
2 = '<p/>'
3 = '<p/>'
4 = '<p/>'
1 = null
2 = null
3 = null
4 = null
unit = null
values (array):
unit = null
values (array):
Unlegierte Massivdrahtelektrode
Verkupfert, lagengespult
8,95 €* / 10,65 €** / spInhalt: 5 kg
1,79 €* / 2,13 €** / kg*exkl./**inkl. Mwst.
zzgl. Versandkosten
Selbstlösende Schlacke, sehr geringe Spritzerneigung
Rutilumhüllte, hochlegierte Stabelektrode
81,05 €* / 96,44 €** / doInhalt: 4.5 kg
18,01 €* / 21,43 €** / kg*exkl./**inkl. Mwst.
zzgl. Versandkosten
*exkl./**inkl. Mwst.
zzgl. Versandkosten
Druckluftbetriebenes Entgratsystem im Set, bestehend aus Entgratsystem, Gehörschutzstöpsel, Schutzbrille + Schaumrahmen
475,00 €* / 565,25 €** / StückInhalt: 1 Stück*exkl./**inkl. Mwst.
zzgl. Versandkosten
Leistung ohne Kompromisse! Erledigen Sie schwierigste Schleifarbeiten mit unserem Set von 3M, Elektro-Winkelschleifer, variable Drehzahl, 1900W, 125 mm, 14921, inkl. 3m Fächerscheibe 769F K40+
239,90 €* / 285,48 €** / StückInhalt: 1 Stück*exkl./**inkl. Mwst.
zzgl. Versandkosten
Powershield Montagehandschuh mit PU-Beschichtung
8 - 12
9,96 €* / 11,85 €** / VEInhalt: 12 Paar
0,83 €* / 0,99 €** / Paar*exkl./**inkl. Mwst.
zzgl. Versandkosten
Powershield Montagehandschuh mit Nitril-Beschichtung
8 - 12
27,96 €* / 33,27 €** / VEInhalt: 12 Paar
2,33 €* / 2,77 €** / Paar*exkl./**inkl. Mwst.
zzgl. Versandkosten
Powershield Montagehandschuh mit Nitril-Beschichtung
8 - 12
30,96 €* / 36,84 €** / VEInhalt: 12 Paar
2,58 €* / 3,07 €** / Paar*exkl./**inkl. Mwst.
zzgl. Versandkosten