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Entmagnetisieren mit EWM

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name = 'FIM1-4 Set'
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descriptionShort = '<p>Magnetic field meter for measuring magnetic direct and alternating fields</p>'
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nameShort = 'Pico 350 cel puls pws dgs'
name = 'Pico 350 cel puls pws dgs'
description = '<ul class="bgrd description_list"><li data-sortnum="1,00" data-textid="7393538">Baustellengeeignetes, robustes und handliches CC/CV-Multiprozess-Inverterschwei&szlig;ger&auml;t mit eingebautem Polwendeschalter und Entmagnetisierungsfunktion</li><li data-sortnum="6,00" data-textid="3911255"><strong><b>Verfahren und Funktionen</b></b></strong></li><ul><li data-sortnum="10,00" data-textid="828462" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>CC/CV-Kennlinie</li><li data-sortnum="11,00" data-textid="3911818" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>E-Hand- und WIG-Pulsschwei&szlig;en</li><li data-sortnum="12,00" data-textid="843813" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>E-Hand-Schwei&szlig;en</li><li data-sortnum="22,00" data-textid="838538" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>WIG-Liftarc-Schwei&szlig;en</li><li data-sortnum="25,00" data-textid="785525" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'><b>Degauss - Automatischer Ablauf des Entmagnetisierungsvorgangs vor dem Schweißen:</b></b> </li><li data-sortnum="25,00" data-textid="785525" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Sicheres Entmagnetisieren für bessere Schweißergebnisse durch stabilen Schweißprozess ohne magnetische Ablenkung, Minimierung der Nacharbeit</li><li data-sortnum="25,00" data-textid="7400027" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>PF Pulse-Funktion</li><li data-sortnum="27,00" data-textid="7400028" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Cel-Kennlinie</li><li data-sortnum="30,00" data-textid="3987" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Arcforce, Hotstart, Antistick</li><li data-sortnum="35,00" data-textid="105813" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Arcforce und Hotstart einstellbar</li><li data-sortnum="45,00" data-textid="828464" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>MIG/MAG-Schwei&szlig;en mit Drahtvorschubger&auml;t Pico drive 4L</li><li data-sortnum="55,00" data-textid="828463" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Geeignet zum F&uuml;lldrahtschwei&szlig;en</li></ul><li data-sortnum="159,00" data-textid="3911256"><strong><b>Ihre Vorteile</b></b></strong></li><ul><li data-sortnum="160,00" data-textid="3990" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>PWS: Polwendung am Ger&auml;t oder &uuml;ber Fernsteller erspart zeitraubendes Umklemmen der Schwei&szlig;stromanschl&uuml;sse</li><li data-sortnum="160,00" data-textid="828494" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Perfektes E-Hand-Steignahtschwei&szlig;en durch PF Pulse-Funktion</li><li data-sortnum="165,00" data-textid="3989" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Cellulose-Elektroden: 100 % fallnahtsicher</li><li data-sortnum="167,00" data-textid="7281987" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Uneingeschr&auml;nkter Generatorbetrieb auch mit langen Netzzuleitungen dank hoher Netzspannungstoleranzen</li><li data-sortnum="170,00" data-textid="828452" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Robuster, baustellengerechter Aufbau</li><li data-sortnum="172,00" data-textid="828453" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Sto&szlig;gesichertes Geh&auml;use</li><li data-sortnum="175,00" data-textid="3996" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Anschlussm&ouml;glichkeit f&uuml;r Fernsteller</li><li data-sortnum="175,00" data-textid="435017" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Gepr&uuml;fter Schutz gegen Spritzwasser (IP 34s)</li><li data-sortnum="200,00" data-textid="3986" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Tragbar, Schulterriemen</li><li data-sortnum="210,00" data-textid="828411" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Stromsparend durch hohen Wirkungsgrad und Standby-Funktion</li><li data-sortnum="860,00" data-textid="3960" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>5 m Netzzuleitung</li><li data-sortnum="880,00" data-textid="7400029" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'><b>Zubehör zum Entmagnetisieren:</b></b> Lastkabelset Set LC 35 mm² und Feldstärkenmessgerät FIM1-4 (empfohlen)</li><li data-sortnum="900,00" data-textid="796512" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'><b>Vorteile Entmagnetisieren:</b></b> </li><li data-sortnum="900,00" data-textid="796512" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Kein Ablenken des Lichtbogens durch Restmagnetismus im Bauteil </li><li data-sortnum="900,00" data-textid="796512" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Vermeidung von Bindefehlern durch mangelhafte Flankenerfassung </li><li data-sortnum="900,00" data-textid="796512" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Minimierung von Nacharbeit </li><li data-sortnum="900,00" data-textid="796512" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Wirtschaftliche und qualitativ hochwertige Ergebnisse</li></ul><li data-sortnum="900,00" data-textid="7659010"><strong><b>Ab Werk im Lieferumfang enthalten: </b></b></strong></li><ul><li data-sortnum="910,00" data-textid="7659011" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Praktischer Kabelgurt zum leichten und geordneten Transport von z.B. Masseleitung, Schwei&szlig;brenner, Elektrodenhalter etc. (siehe Abbildung 2) </li><li data-sortnum="910,00" data-textid="7659011" style=\'margin-left:20px;\'>Kabelhalter zum Aufwickeln des Netzkabels &ndash; garantiert komfortablen Transport (siehe Abbildung 3)</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Baustellengeeignetes, robustes und handliches CC/CV-Multiprozess-Inverterschweißgerät mit eingebautem Polwendeschalter und Entmagnetisierungsfunktion</p>'
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price = 5605.0
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productName = 'Pico 350 cel puls pws dgs'
produktbezeichnung = 'MMA inverter welding machine, polarity reversing switch, degaussing'
price = 5767.2960000000003
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hasDrive = '0'
priceProducts (array):
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1 = '092-000003-00000'
2 = '092-000004-00000'
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(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
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(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '2'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '334525'
(private) seoldInstance = null
70018 (object: ProductEntity):
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(private) productMainId = '70018'
(private) ean = '4051629002643'
(private) vendorProductId = '092-000004-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '8'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2022-02-18 11:48:24'
(private) dateModified = null
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(private) active = '1'
(private) deleted = '0'
(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '2'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '71704'
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2951 (object: ProductEntity):
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(private) vendorProductId = '092-008214-00000'
(private) manufacturerProductId = '1022001'
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = '5'
(private) stockBehaviour = '1'
(private) stockView = '0'
(private) stockViewText = null
(private) dateCreated = '2022-12-13 08:38:10'
(private) dateModified = null
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(private) active = '1'
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(private) packagingAmount = '100'
(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
(private) validFrom = null
(private) validTo = null
(private) hidden = '0'
(private) notSellable = '0'
(private) externalId = '113693'
(private) seoldInstance = null
currencySign = '€'
vmMime (array):
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3 (object: MimeEntity):
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(private) type = 'Steuerung'
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(private) languageId = null
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4 (object: MimeEntity):
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5 (object: MimeEntity):
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6 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '51503'
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7 (object: MimeEntity):
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8 (object: MimeEntity):
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12 (object: MimeEntity):
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13 (object: MimeEntity):
(private) id = '254470'
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14 (object: MimeEntity):
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15 (object: MimeEntity):
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16 (object: MimeEntity):
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(private) externalId = '099-002127-EW515'
(private) languageId = null
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17 (object: MimeEntity):
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18 (object: MimeEntity):
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19 (object: MimeEntity):
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vmAttributes = null
vmCharacteristics (array):
17548 (array):
product (array):
id = '17548'
productMainId = '6238'
ean = '4051629040324'
vendorProductId = '091-002065-00502'
manufacturerProductId = null
manufacturerId = null
productSearchId = null
stock = null
stockBehaviour = '1'
stockView = '0'
stockViewText = ''
dateCreated = '2023-10-18 10:24:55'
dateModified = '2024-03-13 09:37:28'
public = '1'
active = '1'
deleted = '0'
packagingAmount = '100'
packagingUnit = 'stk'
priceAmount = '100'
priceUnit = 'stk'
forcePrice = '0'
priority = '0'
validFrom = null
validTo = null
hidden = '0'
notSellable = '0'
externalId = '156417'
productText (array):
id = '27546'
productId = '17548'
languageId = '38'
nameShort = 'Degauss 600 Set'
name = 'Set Degauss 600'
description = '<ul class="description_list"><li class="first-item">Degaussing machine for degaussing of pipes and metal sheets</li><li><b>Automatic degaussing process before welding:</b></li><li class="knurps">Dependable degaussing for better welding results through stable welding process without magnetic deflection, minimisation of finishing work</li><li><b>activgauss (10–250 A) – degaussing during welding:</b></li><li class="knurps">Avoids moving up of magnetic field during the welding process in case of very long and strongly magnetised components</li><li class="knurps">Portable and robust</li><li class="knurps">Instant connection to the pipe by means of three load cables</li><li class="knurps">Used at -25 °C to +40 °C</li><li class="knurps">Set: Degauss 600 degaussing machine, two 5-metre, 35 mm² load cables, one 20-metre, 35 mm² load cable, RT DGS1 remote control and 5-m connection cable</li><li><b>Advantages of degaussing:</b></li><li class="knurps">No deflection of the arc by residual magnetism in the workpiece</li><li class="knurps">Prevention of lack of fusion due to insufficient sidewall fusion</li><li class="knurps">Minimisation of finishing work</li><li class="knurps">Cost-efficient and high-quality results</li></ul>'
descriptionShort = '<p>Degaussing machine for degaussing of pipes and metal sheets</p>'
deliveryScope = ''
isSellable = true
productStock (object: ProductStockModel):
(private) redLimit = null
(private) yellowLimit = null
(private) product (object: ProductEntity):
(private) id = '17548'
(private) productMainId = '6238'
(private) ean = '4051629040324'
(private) vendorProductId = '091-002065-00502'
(private) manufacturerProductId = null
(private) manufacturerId = null
(private) productSearchId = null
(private) stock = null
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(private) active = '1'
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(private) packagingUnit = 'stk'
(private) priceAmount = '100'
(private) priceUnit = 'stk'
(private) forcePrice = '0'
(private) priority = '0'
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(private) externalId = '156417'
(private) seoldInstance = null
(private) behaviour = null
(private) showOption = null
(private) showOptionText = null
(private) stock = null
productPrice = 8120.0
productTax = '19'
productPriceGross = 9662.7999999999993
productCurrency = 0
productPriceForAmount = 8120.0
manufacturer (array):
name = ''
productQuantityUnit = 'stk'
mime (array):
0 (object: MimeEntity):
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attributes (array):
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65 (array):
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unit = null
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71 (array):
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productName = 'Degauss 600 Set'
produktbezeichnung = 'Set: Degauss 600 degaussing machine, two 5-metre, 35 mm² load cables, one 20-metre, 35 mm² load cable, RT DGS1 remote control and 5-m connection cable'
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0 = '<table class="ewmPimTechData detail_table" data-date="2025-02-15 12:46:29" data-mainWp="Entmagnetisierungsstrom" data-voltages="1" data-tablename="TD_DGS" data-productid="149761"><tbody><tr data-fieldname=\'Typenbezeichnung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Version</td><td><span title="">Degauss 600</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Netzdaten_neu_Netzspannung_Col\'><td class=\'td1\'>Mains voltage</td><td>3 x 400 V</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Netzdaten_Netzspannung_Netzfrequenz\'><td class=\'td1\'>Mains frequency</td><td>50 Hz / 60 Hz</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Einstellbereich_Schweissstrom_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Degaussing current</td><td>10 A - 600 A</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Cosinus\'><td class=\'td1\'>cos φ</td><td><span title="">0.99</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Wirkungsgrad\'><td class=\'td1\'>Efficiency</td><td><span title="">90</span> %</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Masse_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Dimensions (L x B x H)</td><td>539 mm x 210 mm x 415 mm</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Masse_Coll\'><td class="td1"/><td>21.2 inch x 8.3 inch x 16.3 inch</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Gewicht_Coll\'><td class=\'td1\'>Weight, machine</td><td>25 kg / 55.1 lbs</td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'EMV_Klasse\'><td class=\'td1\'>EMC class</td><td><span title="">A</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Isolationsklasse\'><td class=\'td1\'>Insulation class</td><td><span title="">H</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Schutzklasse\'><td class=\'td1\'>Protection class</td><td><span title="">IP34s</span> </td></tr><tr data-fieldname=\'Zulassung\'><td class=\'td1\'>Approvals</td><td><svg class="ewmApproval" version="1.1" id="Ebene_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" width="32" height="24.0828" viewBox="0 0 200 140" enable-background="new 0 0 200 140" xml:space="preserve"> <g> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M187.189,2.958c-37.301,0-67.518,30.217-67.518,67.504S149.889,138,187.189,138c3.543,0,7.029-0.3,10.4-0.797v-20.59 c-3.339,0.73-6.824,1.13-10.4,1.13c-22.603,0-41.551-15.906-46.168-37.154h39.416V60.334h-39.416 c4.617-21.25,23.543-37.153,46.168-37.153c3.576,0,7.047,0.365,10.4,1.129V3.721C194.204,3.192,190.732,2.958,187.189,2.958 L187.189,2.958z M25.108,70.462c0-26.098,21.153-47.281,47.252-47.281c2.291,0,4.549,0.17,6.773,0.497V3.26 c-2.224-0.2-4.482-0.335-6.773-0.335c-37.289,0-67.526,30.218-67.526,67.538c0,37.286,30.238,67.534,67.526,67.534 c2.291,0,4.549-0.132,6.773-0.362v-20.389c-2.224,0.328-4.449,0.465-6.773,0.465C46.271,117.743,25.108,96.593,25.108,70.462 L25.108,70.462z"/> </g> </svg> <svg class="ewmApproval" width="24" height="24" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" > <defs> <g id="ewmSign67b07e95aef5a"> <path style="fill-rule: evenodd" fill="#1F1A17" d="M.01,.01V7.51c0,1.93,1.57,3.5,3.5,3.5H7.51c1.93,0,3.5-1.57,3.5-3.5V.01h-2.5V7.51c0,.55-.45,1-1,1H3.51c-.55,0-1-.45-1-1V.01H.01Z" /> <polygon style="fill-rule: evenodd" fill="#1F1A17" points="13.01 .01 13.01 11.01 15.51 11.01 15.51 7.01 20.51 11.01 24.01 11.01 17.01 5.51 24.01 .01 20.51 .01 15.51 4.01 15.51 .01 13.01 .01" /> <path style="fill-rule: evenodd" fill="#1F1A17" d="M11.01,13.01v2.5H3.51c-.55,0-1,.45-1,1v4c0,.55,.45,1,1,1h7.5v2.5H3.51C1.58,24.01,.01,22.45,.01,20.51v-4c0-1.93,1.57-3.5,3.5-3.5h7.5Z" /> <path style="fill-rule: evenodd" fill="#1F1A17" d="M13.01,24.01v-7.5c0-1.93,1.57-3.5,3.5-3.5h4c1.93,0,3.5,1.57,3.5,3.5v7.5h-2.5v-2.5h-6v2.5h-2.5Zm2.5-5h6v-2.5c0-.55-.45-1-1-1h-4c-.55,0-1,.45-1,1v2.5h0Z" /> </g> </defs> <use xlink:href="#ewmSign67b07e95aef5a" /> </svg> <svg class="ewmApproval" width="24" height="23.9988" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" > <defs> <g id="ewmSign67b07e95aef68"> <path style="fill-rule: evenodd" fill="#1F1A17" d="M9.45,28.34c0.46,0,2.9,0,3.15,0V15.74h3.14V28.32c0.27,0,2.68,0,3.15,0V0H9.45V28.34h0ZM15.73,3.15H12.61v9.44h3.12V3.15h0Z" /> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M6.27,28.34V25.2c-0.13,0-3,0-3.11,0V15.76l0,0h3.1V12.62H3.51a0.78,0.78,0,0,1-.36,0V3.15H6.3V0H0V28.34H6.27Z" /> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M22,28.33h6.29c0-.88,0-2.34,0-3.15H25.19v-22c0.82,0,2.26,0,3.15,0V0H22V28.33h0Z" /> </g> </defs> <use xlink:href="#ewmSign67b07e95aef68" transform="scale(0.8571)" /> </svg> <svg class="ewmApproval" width="24" height="24" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" > <defs> <g id="ewmSign67b07e95aef76"> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M240,0H0V240H240V0ZM17.14,17.14H222.86V222.86H17.14V17.14Z"/> <path fill="#1F1A17" d="M88.5,72c-9,9.29-10.92,26.57-1.66,36.61l1,1c13.56,14,54.36,20.4,55.74,36.77,2.58,30.61-47.33,18.86-63.78,14.56l-0.43,15.72c14.86,1.88,23.79,5.61,39.61,4.63,26.6-.1,48.34-18.43,37.27-48.36-11.73-20.45-56.72-22.44-58.34-42-0.69-8.41,6.69-15.4,14.22-17.55,15.46-4.42,35.85,2.41,40.43,3.07l0-14.65c-11.93-1.53-21.12-3.11-34-3.2C106.92,59.44,96.35,63,88.5,72" /> </g> </defs> <use xlink:href="#ewmSign67b07e95aef76" transform="scale(0.1)" /> </svg></td></tr></tbody></table>'
PT_TD_Vergl (array):
0 = '{"Version": "Degauss 600","-": "3 x ","-": "-25 % - +20 %","Mains fuses (slow-blow)": "16 A / 3 x 16 A","-": "3 x ","Degaussing current": "10 A - 600 A","cos φ": "0.99","Efficiency": "90 %","-": "539 mm / 21.22 Inch","-": "210 mm x 8.268 Inch","-": "415 mm x 16.339 Inch","Weight, machine": "25 kg","Weight, machine": "55.125 lbs","EMC class": "A","Insulation class": "H","Protection class": "IP34s","Approvals": "S sign / CE sign / EAC sign","-": "25 kg / 55.125 lbs","-": "539 mm / 21.22 Inch","-": "210 mm x 8.268 Inch","-": "415 mm x 16.339 Inch","-": "25 kg / 55.125 lbs","-": "539 mm / 21.22 Inch","-": "210 mm x 8.268 Inch","-": "415 mm x 16.339 Inch","-": "25 kg / 55.125 lbs","-": "539 mm / 21.22 Inch","-": "210 mm x 8.268 Inch","-": "415 mm x 16.339 Inch","-": "25 kg / 55.125 lbs","-": "539 mm / 21.22 Inch","-": "210 mm x 8.268 Inch","-": "415 mm x 16.339 Inch","-": "25 kg / 55.125 lbs"}'
innoWeld (array):
0 = '<p/>'
Einsatzgebiete (array):
0 = null
vmAttributes (array):
71 (array):
name = 'zulassung'
unit = null
values (array):
0 = 'S sign / CE sign / EAC sign'
65 (array):
name = 'laenge'
unit = null
values (array):
0 = '539 mm / 21.22 Inch'
39 (array):
unit = null
values (array):
0 = '600'
vmCharacteristics (array):

Einfacher Schweißen ohne Magnetismus

Mit der Degauss 600 können Sie ihre Bauteile sehr einfach entmagnetisieren, um bessere Ergebnisse beim Schweißen z.B. von Rohren zu erhalten!

An error occurred
Successfully completed
current mapping: categories